The Fabric Social is no longer trading as a fashion label. Find out why the brand decided to close its doors on garments here. 


Meet the Australian label that is helping women in developing countries improve their standard of living, while encouraging gender equality and maintaining ancient weaving traditions in the process.

The Fabric Social is an Australian social enterprise and fashion brand making beautiful minimalist wares. The story starts with three Australian women having a chance encounter in the busy, bustling hub of New Delhi, India. Volunteering in the north of India had opened their eyes to the poor gender equality women face, as well as the poor living conditions, and they shared a passion for wanting to make a change to these peoples’ lives.

The trio saw the ancient weaving techniques these women engaged in, and realised an opportunity to help support these women to better their standard of living. The Fabric Social was born in effort to give these women employment, but more so to give them confidence and independence to remove themselves from negative situations and move towards equality with their male counterparts.

The result is beautiful, tailor-made clothing that makes a positive impact on people, society and the environment at every step of the process. The Fabric Social does an incredible job of promoting transparency in the business, with a laser-like focus on supply chain management. From the cotton to the design – every aspect is made with the maker and environment in mind.

The Fabric Social supports women in Kolkata, Mizoram, Assam, and Myanmar, where they engage local designers and a group that trains and employs tailors to design and produce their collections.

The clothes are a beautiful bunch of contemporary basics made from silk and cotton in style that is made to outlast a season and some. The clothes are reasonably priced considering the effort that goes into every piece, with a top or skirt setting you back around $79-$89.

The Fabric Social also reinvests 5% profits into community-led initiatives, and makes a donation from every sale to the anti landmine organisation APOPO, so that every item sold results in one square metre of a mine field being cleared for good.

“We are pioneering a new wave of economic independence not dependent on charity.” A truly guilt-free investment.